Diesel fuel is a unique and interesting alternative to gasoline for many drivers. However, many Americans living in the United States know little more than what they see of it at the gas station pumps. Here are some fun facts about diesel fuel that you may not know.
4 Facts About Diesel Fuel
1. Diesel Is Much Less Popular in the United States
We see diesel pumps at almost every gas station in the country, but how often do you see people filling up with it? Diesel engines are popular with trucks, construction equipment, and other heavy machinery. Still, not many recreational vehicles in the United States use diesel engines. Many European countries use diesel fuel more than the US.
2. Diesel Was Actually Garbage
In the early days of processing fuel, people treated diesel more as an unfortunate byproduct of the fuel creation process. As a result, it often ended up thrown away. Rudolf Diesel invented an engine capable of running on this byproduct in 1894 that changed the industry.
3. Diesel Is Surprisingly Clean
Many people associate diesel with messy, sputtering engines and excess fumes. That leads them to believe it’s worse for the environment. However, because of specific emissions regulations on diesel engines, many manufacturers have worked to create cleaner, more sustainable machines.
4. Diesel Is Long-Lasting
One thing that many people do know about diesel from what they hear is how long the engines can run. But a fact about diesel you may not know is roughly how much these engines are capable of. Diesel engines regularly get between 40 and 50 miles per gallon and can run between 400 and 800 miles on a single tank of gas. These long trips with minimal fill-ups are some of the main reasons why diesel is such a popular option with truck drivers.