The primary purpose of a bumper on any vehicle is to absorb and redistribute damage in the event of a collision. Bumpers are essential for protecting not just the vehicle but, more importantly, the people inside it. Naturally, keeping this vital aspect of vehicle protection in good condition can help keep you safe in the event of an accident. Follow these helpful maintenance tips for your bumper, and you can worry less about things outside your control.
Regular Cleaning
One of the easiest ways to keep your bumper in good shape is to regularly clean it. It’s normal for dirt and other debris to build up on your bumper while you’re driving. They can even get on your car as it sits in a parking spot.
Leaving debris on your bumper doesn’t just make it look back; it can also slowly corrode it, making it less effective. We recommend finding a vehicle-friendly cleaner and wiping it down with a nonabrasive cloth to avoid scratches.
Damage Repair
The three most common types of bumper damage are scratches, dents, and cracks. Minor scratches are often easy enough to buff out, and you might even be able to repair small dents with a kit from your local hardware or auto parts store. However, larger dents and cracks significantly weaken your bumper’s structural integrity, making it far less effective in the event of a collision. If the damage is too severe, you may need to go through the steps to repair your bumper. Taking your vehicle to a certified body shop can help you get an accurate estimate of the damage and help you ensure that everything is in working condition.
General Alignment
A helpful maintenance tip for your bumper is to ensure that you properly align it with your vehicle. Misaligned bumpers won’t absorb shocks as effectively and can limit their usefulness in the event of a crash or collision. You can usually check that your bumper is in the right spot by looking for any loose connectors or getting an inspection from a local body shop.